As I began a new journey of network marketing, I was led to believe the best way to be successful was to create a list of family, friends, and acquaintances. Write down their cell phone numbers, email addresses, home phone numbers, etc. I did all of this eagerly anticipating great results as promised. Boy was I mistaken with that. After I literally "spammed" my friends on Facebook, my email list, called and bombarded family and friends inviting them to presentations, let's just say I didn't get very far to say the least.
I began to get a little discouraged because I was doing exactly as instructed, but I wasn't attaining the results I expected. I began to further research other network marketing strategies, companies, and groups. I began to see what some of the top income earners in network marketing were doing, and it WASN'T what I had necessarily been "taught". In fact, it was the opposite. If you are struggling within network marketing or if you are just beginning one thing you need to do before you join a company is to look at the group's statistics. Look to see:
- are the majority of the members creating income
- are they working together to achieve common goals; making sure the entire team succeeds
- are there only a couple of top income earners
- are you repeatedly offered more training, one on one mentorship and advice, (but for an extra fee)
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