Lead Generation Strategies Utilizing SEO

Lead Generation Strategies
It is vital that you set up your blog correctly for optimal results in your lead generation strategies. Once your blog's up, driving targeted traffic to it, will be the core of your business. If you are utilizing a WP blog, a list of the essential plug-ins you must have are: SEO All In One - One of the most popular plugins for WordPress, the SEO - All-In-One plugin has many features:
  • Automatically creates meta tags
  • Automatically optimizes titles for the search engines
  • Allows you to edit personal post titles and keywords as you see fit
  • Allows you to create a post excerpt used as the description in search engine listings
  • Contains a no-index option to prevent the search engines from indexing possible duplicate content on the archive, tag, and category pages
Google XML Sitemap - Another popular plugin, the Google XML Sitemap plugin automatically creates a sitemap for you. This takes A LOT of work out of your hands. Manually creating a sitemap is a long process, increasingly more so, if you have several pages on your site. A sitemap will make sure that the search engines have access to each individual page on your website, resulting in faster and more complete crawling and indexing by the "bots".
Related Posts - The Related Posts plugin allows you to put a list of Related Posts at the bottom of each blog post. This helps to improve the navigation of your blog and ultimately keeps visitors sticking around for longer, known as a "sticky blog".
Robots Meta - The Robots Meta plugin will create a robots.txt file for your blog. This plug-in will also change meta tags when necessary. Robots.txt instructs the search engines not to index specific pages. WordPress Archives, Tags, and Categories pages all contain content that exists elsewhere on your site, telling Google and other search engines not to index these pages, will help avoid duplicate content penalties. This Robots Meta Plugin does this automatically based on your specifications.
WP-Cache - The WP-Cache plugin's purpose is to speed up your blog. If your blog is slow search engine spiders have a hard time crawling it. (A slow loading blog is discouraging to visitors as well.) The WP-Cache plugin is designed to cache all of your WordPress pages in one single file.
Lead Generation Strategies Sharing Your Content
With your essential plug-ins in place, a well-researched and keyword-optimized post will be written, followed by sharing the post. The quickest way to share a post is to "Ping" it. Ping is a service to update different search engines that your blog has been updated. This is easily achieved from your WP dashboard:
  • the Settings tab
  • writing tab
  • scroll down to the bottom this will be where you can add a list of ping services to automatically update each time you publish a post (To find a list of ping services, conduct a simple Google search and you will find an entire list of services to choose from.)
  • copy & paste the list into the text box
  • save changes
  • now on auto-pilot
Lead Generation Strategies Through Article Syndication
Article directories allow users to send unique articles to the directory. These directories allow articles to embed links to other websites with relevant anchor text. Popular article directories are considered authoritative sites and are constantly crawled by search engine bots. Blog owners submit articles with relevant anchor text linking back to their site and get powerful back-links. Here is a list of the top 10 article directories and their Page Ranks:
  1. knol.google.com - 7
  2. eHow.com - 7
  3. EzineArticles.com -6
  4. Squidoo.com - 7
  5. Hubpages.com -6
  6. ArticleBase.com - 6
  7. Examiner.com - 7
  8. Technorati.com - 8
  9. Buzzle.com - 6
  10. Associatedcontent.com - 7

Lead Generation Strategies Summary
You should now have a good understanding of search engine optimization (SEO) and how to properly use lead generation strategies to gain high rankings and gain as much targeted traffic as possible to your site. Implementing this information will greatly improve your site's overall visibility and web presence. The results won't all happen overnight, but with consistency and determination, you'll begin to notice YOUR website in the top ten results of Google. You will have realized your goal of generating massive free leads.

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