Lead generation strategies are a requirement in any network marketing business. A few main strategies to focus on in your network marketing business are; creating content and sharing it through syndication. Utilizing syndication will create the greatest exposure and generate more traffic to your site, resulting in more targeted leads.
Content syndication will become a regular part of every article you publish. Some of the reasons network marketers choose to use syndication are:
• it’s more cost-effective than paid advertising ~ many FREE options to choose from
• involves more of a personal commitment and a hands on approach ~ it’s not advisable to rely solely on automation for syndicating your content, especially to the main article directories (manually send your content to the main directories to make sure it’s received, if you do automate be sure to verify receipt)
• by syndicating each others’ content, you are expanding your network, while also generating traffic to your site
Lead Generation Strategies – Free Traffic
Advertising your business could become costly;however, utilizing FREE venues, especially if you are just starting a business is advisable. Some of the free syndication sites you should definitely use within yourlead generation strategies are:
- YouTube
- Onlywire (over 30 different locations)
- Posterous (included in onlywire but can also be used alone)
- Tribepro
- Stumble upon
- Skype
Implementing a daily strategy of researching and writing at least two keyword strong, niche specific articles and following-up with complete syndication of each, you will begin to generate the desired traffic andtargeted leads you want.
Lead Generation Strategies – Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Being equipped with knowledge on search engine optimization (SEO), will also result in getting high quality traffic to your website and increasing your leads. (To aid in your SEO optimization, if you are utilizing a WordPress blog, be sure to install the SEO-All-In-one plug-in.) Traffic is the number of visits to your website. Increasing traffic flow to your site is vital to the success of your business. You will find your lead generation process will begin generating a high amount of traffic and will create a strong web visibility. By implementing good research skills, and complete SEO optimization of each post, your results will be a higher flow of targeted leads; web visitors who are specifically interested in what your website has to offer, leading to more sales of your product.
Be sure to be pro-active in the leads management process of your business as well. Be sure your auto-responder has been set up correctly and tested, also personally communicate with your now growing list as well for optimal results. By implementing these lead generation strategies, you will begin creating a consistent traffic flow of targeted leads to your website, you will have created a strong and reputable site.
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