Effective Social Bookmarking Techniques

Effective Social Bookmarking Techniques

Effective Social BookmarkingEffective Social BookmarkingEffective social bookmarking is essential for optimal exposure of your content.   What do social bookmarking sites offer?  These sites are methods to bring your content to a global platform.  Social bookmarking allows you to:
  • Share
  • Store
  • Organize

The purpose of effective social bookmarking is for optimal viewing of your site and internal pages through:
  • Exposure
  • Traffic
  • Backlinks

Effective Social Bookmarking Sites

Some of the effective social bookmarking sites to utilize are:
  • Delicious
  • Digg
  • Mixx
  • Onlywire
  • Propeller
  • Reddit
You should go to each of these sites and create a profile. If you are focusing on different niches, you should create multiple profiles to differentiate your target market. You can create multiple gmail accounts or if you have a self hosted account you can create multiple emails within your C-panel or FTP.

Effective Social Bookmarking Tips

Before you begin effective social bookmarking sharing, there are a few tips to make your sharing process quicker. Once you have published your content, open up a notepad.  There will be some pieces of information from your created content you will need for sharing to each of these sites.  The items you will copy and paste from your content to your notepad will be:
  • Title – ensure your keyword is within your title
  • Description – short detail of your content, not “a sales pitch” ensure your keyword is included
  • Tags/keywords
  • URL
You will simply go to each of the sites above and simply copy and paste from your notepad the required information to create your social bookmarking.
To have the greatest success with effective social bookmarking, your basics must first be achieved.  Ensure your article marketing structure is correct and you are article marketing for success, then you will be assured your social bookmarking will be most effective.

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